Do You Speak Gen Z?

You have a great and well-established relationship with your customers and clients. The key decision makers might be Boomers edging toward retirement or the often-overlooked Gen Xer. Millennials are currently making their way up the ladder of success, and closely behind them are the members of Generation Z.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by 2030, Gen Z is projected to make up a significant portion of the global workforce. They are not just the future, but the present. They are on the cusp of becoming the next generation of decision-makers, shaping the business landscape. Understanding their perspectives, work styles, and communication preferences is not just crucial, but it's imperative for fostering and expanding relationships in your business. Here's what you should know:


Gen Z is growing up immersed in technology. They are adept at using smartphones, computers, tablets, and even A.I. applications in their everyday life. They have a deep understanding of social media platforms, cloud computing, and data analytics. They will expect you to operate similarly. Are you up to speed with these technologies? Can you hold a conversation about how these technologies can be used to improve business conditions?

More than previous generations, Gen Z and Millennials prioritize work-life balance and opportunities to learn new skills in the workplace as critical motivators for staying with a company.[1] Can you provide software recommendations to improve task management or decision-making? Technology, information, and research are essential in maintaining working relationships with Gen Z. Be sure you can contribute to the conversation and provide quick answers.

Everyday Speak

When communicating, do your best to use everyday language: no jargon, pushing, or hyperbole. Instead, be straightforward and authentic when you speak. With the boundaries between work and personal life blurred during the rise of remote work, the trend of casual conversation and dress is in full effect.[2] Sell the benefits of your products in a down-to-earth way and provide a clear explanation. Use case studies, informative copy, and proof of business results to sway Gen Z.

Social and Political Interests

Less than half of Zoomers and Millennials feel the business community positively impacts social change, and 75% find a business' social engagement to be an important factor when considering employment.[3] Climate change and workplace inclusivity are not just buzzwords, they are of genuine concern to Gen Z. To speak to Gen Z on these topics, first listen. Make sure your messages are truthful and therefore believable. Address these topics when appropriate and avoid any grandstanding or exaggerations. Connect with them on these issues, and you'll find a deeper level of engagement.

Truth Above All

Millennials and Gen Z have grown up in the unstable wake of the 2008 Great Recession and the 2020 lockdown. The instability of the pandemic was amplified for Gen Z. It disrupted traditional patterns of graduation, college attendance, and the important in-office experience of early career journeys. For Gen Z, loyalty goes both ways. Job hopping is more commonplace, and 35% of those interviewed by PwC predicted a job change in the next 12 months.[4] By maintaining authentic modes of communication and meeting Gen Z on their turf, you will not just build trust, you will earn it in what you say, do and sell.  

Note: All the above applies to your company's website, sales and marketing materials, presentations, and you.

[1] (2024). 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey [Review of 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey].; Deloitte.  Page 24

[2] Kiderlin, S. (2023, September 14). Language at work is becoming more casual — thanks to Gen Z. CNBC.

[3] (2024). 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey [Review of 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey].; Deloitte.  Page 12

[4] PWC. (2023, June 20). Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey. PwC.

Do your staff and company speak Gen Z? Do your sales and marketing materials all reflect authentic and believable sales-boosting language? Can you provide information, data, and research to demonstrate the power of your products? If you cannot say yes to each of these questions, Fusion can help.


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